If you're reading this, you're likely a visitor on the new trixelcreative.com website. Welcome! We've been tinkering under the hood to launch a brand new experience, and we're thrilled to have finally reached the finish line!
While things may appear similar on the surface, we've given the website a full remake (yes, remake - not update!). We've moved to a new website editor for ease-of-use, future-proofing, and flexibility. With that comes a slew of improvements for both you and us!
We've spent the last couple of months reimagining and remaking pages from our old website. We're continuously relying more on our website for news, events, team member resources, etc., so this change has been much-needed for us to continue doing what we do.
You'll notice new pages and layouts throughout the site, including a stunning new Restitched page that shows the project in a very design-oriented layout. Several of our site's pages have received visual upgrades like this, and we hope you'll find them more accessible and interesting than ever!
Perhaps the most useful and important change is being able to optimize for mobile in a way we couldn't before. You'll notice the new website looks and performs well on a mobile device. Creating mobile-friendly pages is now faster and more efficient! Each page on the new site has been manually edited for both desktop and mobile screens of different ratios and resolutions.
We also think you'll appreciate a range of quality of life improvements, like:
dynamic page animations (giving life to things!)
faster loading times
keyword search feature on our Restitched FAQ page
improved site search
widescreen layouts (for more content shown at once)
more news blog features (reading time, comments, etc,)
page anchors (be taken to the right spot on the right page automatically!)
SEO improvements (certain pages show special images when shared as a link!)
improvements to images and image galleries
We're looking forward to putting our new website to use, and have already begun to add back-end support for future announcements and events thanks to our new range of features. We're looking forward to improving things with time, and we'd appreciate any feedback you may have for us!